These sophisticated mixed berry French toast kabobs are surprisingly easy to make. Serve them on an elegant platter for brunch or just grab-and-go for quick breakfast!
Recipe created by: Andrea Kunkel
PREHEAT a large skillet over medium heat.
CRACK 2 eggs into a medium bowl and WHISK eggs thoroughly.
ADD milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, and 1 tablespoon maple syrup.
WHISK to combine ingredients.
MELT butter in skillet.
DIP challah slices into egg mixture, one at a time.
FRY slices for about 2 minutes per side or until both sides are golden brown and ADJUST skillet temperature as needed.
CUT each French toast slice into 7 cubes.
SKEWER three French toast cubes, 1 raspberry, and 1 strawberry per skewer.
DUST skewers with confectioner’s sugar and DRIZZLE skewers with maple syrup.
SERVE skewers with additional maple syrup on the side.
SERVE immediately.