the perfect berry dip with yoghurt

Raspberry Cheesecake Yogurt Dip

  • 226 gram reduced-fat cream cheese, softened
  • 248 gram fat-free Greek plain yogurt
  • 42 gram packed dark brown sugar
  • 1/2 Tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 170 gram Driscoll's Raspberries
  • Additional Driscoll's Raspberries, graham crackers, or animal crackers for serving

10 + 10 min | 1 | kid friendly | other courses | dessert

dips and berries with yghurt

This dip can be made as either a dessert or a tasty snack for the sweet tooth in all of us! Courtesy of Rachel Cooks.


In a small bowl, mash 6 ounces (1 and 1/4 cup) of Driscoll's raspberries with a fork. Place a fine mesh strainer over a blender and push the mashed raspberries through the strainer using a spoon. The seeds should stay in the strainer and the mashed raspberries should be in the blender.
To the blender, add cream cheese, yogurt, brown sugar and vanilla. Blend briefly until smooth and combined. Transfer to a bowl and fold in the remaining whole Driscoll's raspberries (170 gram). Store covered in the fridge or serve immediately with raspberries, graham crackers or animal crackers for serving.
For a smoother texture, mash whole berries slightly with a fork before adding to the dip.

Leafs Raspberry

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